Presence-centred and focused
Always allowing time, space and our attention on Him, what He's saying, what He's doing and wanting in each moment. To keep full, to overflowing.
Honour for each other
Mutual respect, interdependence and accountability. We ‘have each other's back’. Loving and serving each other well, including loving confrontations if needed and taking responsibility to clean up our own messes. Everyone is celebrated for who they are, not for who they are not as yet. Everyone is significant.
It is finished
A complete work was done on the cross. Jesus' Blood paid for everything. I owe Him my complete trust. All things are now possible. Take risks. We have access to Him and all of heaven's resources by faith because of the price He paid. Because He came, disease. bondage and torment must leave and nothing is impossible. The mountains MUST move in Jesus name.
His Word
His Word is what we live by; it leads and guides us. Both the written Word and the revelatory rhema words He gives us, as we tune in and listen and check them out with each other and the written Word for accountability and confirmation. This is about an active living relationship with a loving Father who is good and loves to co_labour creatively with His people, to bring heaven to earth.
We are who we say we are, everywhere that we are, to the best of our ability. Believing believers, always learning and growing in Him with honesty and humility. We take personal responsibility for our relationship with Him and for growing in this and 'these signs will follow those that truely believe'. Authentic believers are powerful!.