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“The Called”

0274 794 064

Robert and Melanie met when they were 17 years old at Lake Benmore over the Christmas break, and after 7 years, they were finally married at Burnham Military Camp Chapel. Soon after their marriage, Melanie became pregnant with twins. Six months after the twins' birth, they decided to pursue the dream for Robert to become one of the best chefs in the NZ Army. So, they packed their bags and left their family and friends behind to be posted to Waiouru.

While in Waiouru, they both were introduced to the Amway business, where they grew significantly through mentoring and Amway’s world-class personal development programme. It was at an Amway function in Auckland, in the Sunday morning fellowship, where they both responded to an altar call and received Jesus. Everything changed in that moment.

It was only a short time later that Robert left the NZ Army to work with his coach and mentor in commission-only sales. A few months later, their 19-month-old daughter died. It was an extremely tough few years with many miscarriages, addictions, financial hardship, and the news from doctors that it would be impossible to have any more children. But God…

Melanie received a vision to move from Palmerston to Napier, the promised land where she would get pregnant, and Robert would start a business coaching business. So, in faith, they moved to Napier. Robert started his business, and Melanie got pregnant. 18 years on, in the promised land had led to the birth of Liberty and Lillian, 3 houses, an Airbnb, an 18-year-old successful business, and significant growth for both Robert and Melanie through many leadership roles and opportunities in the Kingdom of God.

In 2023, God called Robert and Melanie home to Christchurch, so they sold their two rentals and newly renovated home. They left their incomes, church, and adult twins behind to move home. They have now settled in Rolleston with Liberty and Lillian in their new home.

They are excited to be home in Christchurch and to be living in these exciting times, where God’s sons and daughters are realizing their identity and stepping into their God-given authority. They believe we are on the verge of the greatest outpouring the world has ever seen.